关键字:bimetallic nanoclusters · cadmium · core–shell · gold · thiolate
摘要:Bimetallic core–shell nanostructures hold great
promise in elucidating the bimetallic synergism. However, it
remains a challenge to construct atomically precise core–shell
with high-valence active metals on the gold surface. In this
work, we report the total structure of a [Au 42 Cd 40 (SR) 52 ] 2?
core–shell nanocluster and multiple implications. Single crystal
X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) reveals that the structure possesses
a two-shelled Au 6 @Au 36 core and a closed cadmium shell of
Cd 40 , and the core–shell structure is then protected by 52
thiolate (-SR) ligands. The composition of the nanocluster is
further confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrom-
etry (ESI-MS). A catalytic test for styrene oxidation and
a comparison with relevant nanoclusters reveal the surface
effect on the catalytic activity and selectivity.