
Novel crystallization method of soybean hull peroxidase

发布时间:2023-10-19  点击次数:


摘要:Soybean hull peroxides (SHP) was crystallized with enzyme solution of low purity by the simple means of "fast crystallization method". After the enzyme solution was purified by acetone-ammonium sulfate cooperation precipitation, ammonium sulfate was quickly added to the enzyme solution. Then lumpy crystals with the size of about 40 × 30 μm were obtained. The crystals were confirmed to be the SHP crystal through enzyme activity test. The result shows that though the purity of enzyme solution is not high, crystals can still be formed when the enzyme solution rapidly reaches to a degree of super saturation, which is different from the traditional methods of protein crystallization. Additionally, a novel purification method of ammonium sulfate-acetone cooperation precipitation was also studied. The new method can reduce the procedure and obtain a great efficiency.




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