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Date of Employment:2005-05-10

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Facile fabrication of superhydrophobic surface from fluorinated poss acrylate copolymer via one-step breath figure method and its anti-corrosion property????(Open Access)

Release time:2023-10-19 Hits:

Key Words:Corrosion resistant coatings;Chemical equipment - Hydrophobicity - Morphology - Plastic coatings
Abstract:Novel fluorinated polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) acrylic copolymers were synthesized by the radical solution polymerization. The superhydrophobic coating was prepared using a one-step breath figure method. Chemical constitution, morphology, hydrophobicity, and anticorrosion ability of as-prepared coatings were investigated by the corresponding equipment. The addition of proper fluorinated POSS can synchronously promote the formation of the micro-nano convex structure and the enrichment of fluorinated groups on the surface. Compared to commercial acrylic coating, the fluorinated POSS coating presented enhanced anticorrosion performance. The impedance was the highest and the corrosion current density was the lowest for superhydrophobic coating with 25 wt % fluorinated POSS.<br/> © 2019 by the authors.
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