Paper Publications
- Triiodide reduction activity of hydrangea molybdenum sulfide/reduced graphene oxide composite for dye-sensitized solar cells.117(无):
- 基于TRIZ理论的钙钛矿太阳能电池技术展望.No.436(42):
- 思政教育在专业课全方位育人中的渗透与融入.35(136):
- 利用石墨烯基空穴传输层提升有机太阳能电池性能.v.33(6):
- Tuning the electronic and optical properties of graphene quantum dots by selective boronization.7(2):
- Synthesis of CoFe2O4/graphene composite as a novel counter electrode for high performance dye-sensitized solar cells.297(无):
- Preparation and properties of graphene/polyurethane conductive polymer composite films.(14):
- 材料学科毕业设计的探索和实践.(128):
- 以TRIZ理论为指导的材料工艺学教学改革.(132):
- Electrocatalytic Properties of MoS2 In-situ Grown on Graphene Oxide as Counter Electrode for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells.(4):