青岛科技大学  English 
赞   9







DeepMal: Accurate prediction of protein malonylation sites by deep neural networks

关键字:Physical vapor deposition; Amorphous structure; Diamond; Induction brazing; Grinding performance

摘要:In this study, induction brazing was performed on diamond grits coated with amorphous NiCrBSi alloy (1.6-mu m thick) deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD). The brazing alloy exhibited better wetting toward the coated diamond grits than toward the uncoated diamond grits during induction brazing. The fine chromium-carbon compounds were evenly distributed between the brazed diamond grits with coating and the brazing alloy. However, the bulky chromium-carbon compounds were unevenly distributed between the brazed uncoated diamond grits and the brazing alloy. Cylindrical grinding of casting aluminum ZL102 plate with thickness of 15 mm was also performed using the brazed diamond burs fabricated with the coated diamond grits and uncoated diamond grits, respectively. The falloff percentage of brazed coated diamond grits was lower than that of brazed uncoated diamond grits. Accordingly, the temperature of processing arc area of the brazed diamond bur fabricated with the coated diamond grits was lower than that of the brazed diamond bur fabricated with the uncoated diamond grits, and its rate of removal of material was higher than that of the brazed diamond bur fabricated with the uncoated diamond grits.




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