
Near infrared fluorescent dual ligand functionalized Au NCs based multidimensional sensor array for pattern recognition of multiple proteins and serum discrimination


  • Key Words:Protein discrimination; Cross-reactive sensor array; Dual ligand functionalized Au NCs; Pattern recognition; Cancer serum discrimination

  • Abstract:Here, a multidimensional sensor array capable of analyzing various proteins and discriminating between serums from different stages of breast cancer patients were developed based on six kinds of near infrared fluorescent dual ligand functionalized Au NCs (functionalized with different amino acids) as sensing receptors. These six kinds of different amino acids functionalized Au NCs were synthesized for the first time within 2 h due to the direct donation of delocalized electrons of electron-rich atoms or groups of the ligands to the Au core. Based on this, ten proteins could be simultaneously and effectively discriminated by this "chemical nose/ tongue" sensor array. Linear discrimination analysis (LDA) of the response patterns showed successful differentiation of the analytes at concentrations as low as 10 nM with high identification accuracy. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiment illustrates that Au NCs interacted with proteins mainly by hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces. Furthermore, the greatest highlight of this sensor array is demonstrated by successfully discriminating between serums from different stages of breast cancer patients (early, middle and late) and healthy people, suggesting great potential for auxiliary diagnosis.

  • Volume:97

  • Issue:

  • Translation or Not:no

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