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Release time:2024-12-24 Hits:

Abstract:The recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste plastics has garnered global attention as an essential area of research to address. Chemical upcycling methods, such as glycolysis, offers a visible solution by directly converting PET wastes into high-valued monomers, enabling their reintegration into the plastic life cycle. However, the recovery of metal salt catalyst and the thermal stability of organic catalyst pose challenges in PET glycolysis. Zeolites with strong Br & oslash;nsted acid are widely used in the degradation of polyolefins, but in PET glycolysis, they face the problems of acid site mismatch and difficult contact with PET. In this work, nanosized FAU-type zeolite catalysts (100-FAU) were employed to carry out PET glycolysis, which were green synthesized at low temperature without organic template. In comparison to commercial FAU-type catalysts, 100-FAU exhibits enhanced Lewis acidity and basicity along with increased accessibility to active sites. The 100% degradation of PET was achieved within 1 h, resulting in a BHET yield of 64.2%. Prolonging the reaction time to 1.5 h led to an enhanced BHET yield of 72.1%. The quality of the primary product bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) was verified through IR, DSC, and NMR characterizations. Furthermore, as a solid catalyst with high thermal stability, zeolite can be easily recovered via filtration and demonstrated stable performance over at least 5 cycles, and proved effective for glycolysis of commercially waste PET plastics. The acid-base dual-functional catalytic mechanism of Na-form FAU in PET glycolysis was proposed. Under its guidance, the promoting effect of other Na-form nanosized zeolites on PET degradation was verified.
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