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Facile preparation of bio-based polyesters from furandicarboxylic acid and long chain diols via asymmetric monomer strategy

Release time:2021-03-15 Hits:

Abstract:In this study, we propose a novel strategy for the preparation of furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) based polyesters through the melt polycondensation of asymmetric monomers with terminal methyl ester and hydroxyl groups. A series of bio-based polyesters were prepared from dimethyl 2,5-furandicarboxylate and diols containing long alkyl chains. In this strategy, volatile methanol rather than diols with high boiling points was removed as a by-product. The effects of the catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time on the molecular weight and PDI were investigated. Polyesters with high molecular weights and without coloration were obtained at a lower polycondensation temperature and in less time in comparison with previous methods. The thermal and mechanical properties of the as-prepared polyesters were investigated by DSC, TGA, DMA and tensile testing. The results revealed that the thermal and mechanical properties of the polyesters including T-m, T-c, T-g, Young's modulus, tensile strength and elongation at break, not only depended on the number of methylene groups but also were related to the odd-even effect.
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