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Identification of the crystallographic sites of Eu2+ in Ca9NaMg(PO4)(7): structure and luminescence properties study

Release time:2021-03-15 Hits:

Abstract:The substituted activator ions Eu2+ in the beta-Ca-3(PO4)(2)-type structure, Ca9NaMg(PO4)(7) compound, have been studied as emission centers, as well as structural probes. The crystal structure and crystallographic sites of Eu2+ in Ca9NaMg(PO4)(7) have been identified by Rietveld refinements, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy analysis and combined photoluminescence spectral analysis, respectively. Ca9NaMg(PO4)(7): Eu2+ phosphor exhibits a broad emission band in the visible light region with three distinguished peaks centered at 415, 458, and 615 nm, which are ascribed to different Eu2+ emission centers occupied in three different Ca crystallographic sites. The concentration quenching behavior, variation in lifetimes and the temperature dependent luminescence properties have been investigated as a function of different emission centers, 415, 458, and 625 nm for Ca9NaMg(PO4)(7): Eu2+ phosphor. Accordingly, the relationship among three different Eu2+ luminescence centers originating from three different Ca2+ crystallographic sites has been found and verified.
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