In-situ conversion of Al-SBA-15 wall structures to monolithic ZSM-5 nanoparticle aggregates

Release time:2023-10-19| Hits:

Key Words:ZSM-5 Nanoparticles; Porous materials; Al-SBA-15; Monolith

Abstract:The amorphous wall structure of Al-SBA-15 was converted in-situ to uniform ZMS-5 nanocrystal aggregates. Si/Al ratio in resulting ZSM-5 nanocrystal aggregates is close to that of raw Al-SBA-15. The ZSM-5 aggregates exhibits a monolithic morphology, a replica of the shape of raw Al-SBA-15, which significantly allows the avoidance of a high-speed centrifugal separation process. The incompletely decomposed structure-directing template of Al-SBA-15 works as inert units inserting in the mesopores of Al-SBA-15 materials. The nucleation and growth of zeolite were physically confined inside a nano-scale space surrounded by the chemically inert units that were generated from the controlled decomposition of the surfactant.



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