
Excitation-Selective and Double-Emissive Lead-Free Binary Hybrid Metal Halides for White Light-Emitting Diode and X-Ray Scintillation

发布时间:2024-12-24  点击次数:

关键字:X-ray scintillation;

摘要:Zero-dimensional (0D) organic metal halides comprising heterogeneous metal cations in single phase can achieve multiple luminous emis enabling them toward multifunctional light-emitting applications. Herein, A novel single crystal of (C8H20N)4SbMnCl9 containing two luminescent centers of [SbCl5]2- pentahedrons and [MnCl4]2- tetrahedrons is reported. The large distance between Sb-Sb, Mn-Mn, and Sb-Mn as well as theory calculation indicate negligible interaction between individual centers, thus endowing (C8H20N)4SbMnCl9 with excitation-dependable and efficient luminescence. Under near-UV excitation, only orange emi originates from self-trapped excitons recombination in [SbCl5]2- pentahedron occurs with photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 91.5%. Under blue-light excitation, only green emi originating from 4T1-6A1 transition of Mn2 in [MnCl4]2- tetrahedrons occurs with PLQY of 66.8%. Interestingly, upon X-ray illumination, both emis can be fully achieved due to the high-energy photon absorption. Consequently, (C8H20N)4SbMnCl9 is employed as phosphors to fabricate white light-emitting diodes optically pumped by n-UV chip and blue-chip thanks to its excitation-dependable property. Moreover, it also shows promising performance as X-ray scintillator with low detection limit of 60.79 nGyair S-1, steady-state light yield approximate to 54% of commerical scintillaotr LuAG:Ce, high resolution of 13.5 lp mm-1 for X-ray imaging. This work presents a new structural design to fabricate 0D hybrids with multicolor emis. Zero-dimensional organic metal halide (C8H20N)4SbMnCl9 has been prepared with two luminescent centers of [SbCl5]2- pentahedrons and [MnCl4]2- tetrahedrons which exhibit excitation-selective property and intense emis. The crystal has played a great role of down-converted phosphors in fabricating white-light emitting diode pumped either by blue-chip or n-UV chip, and also achieved high performance as X-ray scintillator. image




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