Paper Publications
Neural Network Inspired Design of Highly Active and Durable N-doped Carbon Interconnected Molybdenum Phosphide for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.1(10):
Pt0.61Ni/C for High-Efficiency Cathode of Fuel Cells with Superhigh Platinum Utilization.(122):
Cations promoting synthesis of self-supported nanoporous silver electrode and its catalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction.(464):
Electrostatic self-assembly of Pt nanoparticles on hexagonal tungsten oxide as an active CO-tolerant hydrogen oxidation electrocatalyst.18(43):
基于核酸和蛋白的生物大分子热致液晶研究进展. (35):
Photoliquefiable DNA-surfactant ionic crystals: Anhydrous self-healing biomaterials at room temperature.128( ):
Automatically showing microbial growth kinetics with a high-performance microbial growth analyzer.239( ):
Ultralow fouling electrochemical detection of uric acid directly in serum based on phase-transited bovine serum albumin and conducting polymer.34(12):