Language : English

Paper Publications

Defect of nanocrystalline copper and silver


Key Words:defect; nanocrystalline metal

Abstract:Nanoscale copper and silver were synthesized by the H-2 + Ar are plasma method. During the synthesis, hydrogen molecules were dissociated into hydrogen atoms and stored in the particles. At the same rime, nanometer copper and silver particles were prepared by the inert gas condensation method whose power is about identical with the hydrogen are plasma method. Various specimens were annealed respectively at low temperature. The particle size was measured by a transmission electron microscopy. A proper temperature was chosen to prepare the standard specimen. The defects of nano-copper and nano-silver were studied by TEM, HRTEM, XRD profile refinement and Fourier analysis method. The asymmetry of XRD profile of both specimens was discovered and the significance of the asymmetry was studied. The probability of twin existing in the nano-materials was calculated using Fourier analysis method, and the effect of hydrogen on the structure was discussed.



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