青岛科技大学  English 





Collaborative Pseudolites Autonomous Navigation for Multi-vehicle

关键字:Autonomous Vehicle; Virtual Satellite; Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

摘要:The main problem with autonomous navigation system that uses GPS is the satellite outages and the mapping of the ambience in unknown environment. Techniques will be presented to increase position accuracy and navigation robustness in unknown environment by means of collaborative navigation. When vehicle one is navigating, lines of sight to satellites will often be blocked, however, vehicle two at different locations can have different sets of visible satellites and act as virtual satellite. Through collaboration, the satellite information can be shared between vehicles; then, better navigation performance will be achieved. At the same time, vehicle one can map its environment and locate itself accurately even when GPS signal is artificially broken. Simulation results indicate increased accuracy when using the method under investigation. Collaborative autonomous navigation can help several relatively simple vehicles achieve the same performance as expensive and complex platforms.


崂山校区 - 山东省青岛市松岭路99号   
四方校区 - 山东省青岛市郑州路53号   
中德国际合作区(中德校区) - 山东省青岛市西海岸新区团结路3698号
高密校区 - 山东省高密市杏坛西街1号   
济南校区 - 山东省济南市文化东路80号©2015 青岛科技大学    