青岛科技大学  English 





Algorithms research of autonomous navigation and control of planetary exploration rover

关键字:planetary exploration rover; autonomous navigation and control; attitude determination; position determination; path tracking

摘要:Autonomous navigation and control technology is the key technology for planetary exploration rover to execute long-range exploration on planetary surface. An initial heading detection algorithm based on the CCD (Charge-coupled Device) sun sensor and accelerometer is presented and new algorithm is used to estimate the heading and attitude. For the problem of motion control, by reasonable assumptions, the complicated kinematics is simplified and the motion control problem of planetary exploration rover is classified into path following and point stabilization, a variable structure and time-varying hybrid control law by utilizing Lyapunov techniques and finite time control techniques to solve the path following problem of planetary exploration rover is provided. Several numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed controller.


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中德国际合作区(中德校区) - 山东省青岛市西海岸新区团结路3698号
高密校区 - 山东省高密市杏坛西街1号   
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