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Exploring the Critical Factors Toward Spectrally Stable Mixed-Halide Blue Perovskite LEDs


  • 摘要:Metal mixed-halide perovskite has demonstrated considerable potential in the development of solution-treated blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with high external quantum efficiency, excellent color purity, and tunable wavelength. However, the severe phase segregation of mixed-halide perovskite under bias voltage would lead to the spectral instability of LEDs. Therefore, suppressing phase segregation of Br/Cl perovskite towards spectrally stable blue perovskite LEDs (PeLEDs) is a big challenge. In this work, we systematically explore the influence of perovskite component, preparation conditions, and device structures on the spectral stability of PeLEDs. We have observed that the stable spectra increased the proportion of Cs in the A-site cations, passivator, and the annealing temperature of perovskite films. Finally, we achieve a spectra-stable and high-performance blue PeLED under optimized conditions. Our findings provide important guidance for preparing spectrally stable PeLEDs. The influence of perovskite components, preparation conditions, and device structures on the spectral stability of mixed-halide perovskite blue LED is investigated systematically. Among these factors, A-site cations, annealing temperature and the content of the passivator affect the spectral stability significantly. After optimization, a spectra-stable and efficient mixed-halide perovskite blue LED is successfully fabricated. image
  • 卷号:8
  • 期号:11
  • 是否译文:否


  • 职称:教授
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 学位:工学博士
  • 所在单位:化学与分子工程学院
  • 学科: 物理化学


  • 2019  当选: 省高端人才