青岛科技大学  English 

教师拼音名称:N G M




Polyindole vertical nanowire array based electrochromic-supercapacitor difunctional device for energy storage and utilization

关键字:Nanowires;Capacitance - Carboxylic acids - Conducting polymers - Electrochromism - Energy storage - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - Storage (materials) - Supercapacitor

摘要:Poly(indole-6-carboxylic acid) vertical nanowire arrays with good electrochromic and capacitive performance are firstly prepared by template-free method. PICA nanowire arrays can switch between yellow, green and brown with large optical contrast (43% at 490 nm), high coloration efficiency (142 cm<sup>2</sup> C<sup>−1</sup> at 490 nm) and good cycling stability. The corresponding areal specific capacitance of this nanowire arrays is 16.20 mF cm<sup>−2</sup> when the charging current density is 0.1 mA cm<sup>−2</sup>. The capacitance can retain 93% of initial value after 1000 cycles. An electrochromic-supercapacitor difunctional device based on poly(indole-6-carboxylic acid) nanowire arrays is fabricated. This device shows good electrochromic and supercapacitive properties, which can be used as a regular energy-storage device charged by solar cell. After charged, this difunctional device can independently drive a light-emitting diode for 95 s. Furthermore, this device can also simultaneously monitor the charged and discharged state by a reversible color variation from yellow to dark green. As practical electrode materials, PICA nanowire arrays can be used in smart window with energy storage function for energy energy storage and utilization.<br/> © 2019 Elsevier Ltd




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